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Board Meeting Schedule

FEBRUARY 6, 2025

Board Meeting

@ 9AM

Agenda (Click to Open)


Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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Meeting ID: 265 701 303 271

Passcode: 2JATcj

In accordance with the State of Michigan Open Meetings Act, meetings will be held in person for Board Trustees, located in the offices of the City of Detroit 2014 Non-Safety Employee Trustee, 7700 Second Ave Suite 335 Detroit, Michigan 48202.  Members of the public wishing to participate in the meeting may do so by dialing into the meeting at the conference call dial-in number provided for each meeting. You may also direct any questions or comments to the 2014 Non-Safety Trustees via mail at

Notice of Available ADA Accommodations for Public Meetings: With advance notice of seven calendar days, to the Non-Safety 2014 Employee Trust to provide interpreter services at public meetings, including language translation and reasonable ADA accommodations. Please contact 313-964-4454 or email us at to schedule these services.

7700 Second Ave. Suite 335, Detroit, Michigan 48202

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